Teacher/Staff Resources


Human Resources Links

Ascension St. Vincent

Workorder Requests for Custodial, Maintenance and Technology:

ML WorkOrders (click here)

Questions on how to use the new work order system?  Click here!

Technology Resources

PowerSchool Login, Admin

PowerTeacher Login

Software Request Form


Technology Donations:


Technology Donations come in three forms and the table below should help with what to do with that technology during moves. Let me know if you have any questions. 





Donor’s Choose

Moving out of District

Stays in classroom for new teacher or can be dispersed by principal discretion

Stays in classroom for new teacher or can be dispersed by principal discretion

Stays in classroom for new teacher or can be dispersed by principal discretion

Moving within the same school(grade level, subject area)

Follows teacher who received the grant or can be dispersed by principal discretion

Follows teacher who received the grant or can be dispersed by principal discretion

Follows teacher who received the grant or can be dispersed by principal discretion

Moving to another school within the district

Follows teacher who wrote and received the grant

Stays in classroom for new teacher or can be dispersed by principal discretion

Follows teacher who wrote and received the grant