Technology Department » 2025-2026 High School Details

2025-2026 High School Details

Starting in Fall of the 25-26 school year, all Freshmen and Sophomores will be provided a ZCS Chromebook for use in the 1:1 program.  More news will be coming out soon about the details related to the 1:1 program at the ZCHS.

Borrowing Equipment

Due to the value of the equipment, parental acknowledgement of responsibility for borrowed equipment is required. If the equipment should be lost or damaged while checked out to your child, you will be responsible for the full cost of replacement parts, repairs or the replacement value of the machine if it’s a complete loss. Devices loaned out to students with a BYOD device must remain on school grounds at all times. They are not available for home use. Loaned ZCS devices are available for two weeks (10 school days) while a BYOD device is being repaired.

Please be advised that while in possession of this equipment whether in or out of school, students will

  • bring the equipment to school with you each school day
  • be bound by the Internet Acceptable Use policy at all times and locations
  • have no expectation of privacy for any documents or information generated through use of the equipment and the machine may be inspected by the technology department at any time
  • pay for the cost of replacement parts, repairs or the replacement value of the machine for any loss due to theft or destruction of the device
  • keep the equipment in a secure place at all times
  • not leave the equipment in a car for extended periods of time or overnight (temperature, elements, and theft risks) and
  • not tamper with or otherwise interfere with any software or equipment settings
  • This equipment is filtered through the ZCS school Wi-Fi network as required by law. Filtration of the internet wh not on the school network is the responsibility of the borrower.

Filters & Firewalls

  • Zionsville Community Schools is required by law to use a filter on our internet.  Installing an additional filter on a BYOD laptop can cause issues for the student while they are using their laptop at school.

Laptop Cases:

  • High School and Middle School students will have a case with their laptop.  Students are required to keep their laptop in their cases at all times.